The Poetry Corner

In May.

By W. M. MacKeracher

Now is the time when swallows twitter round, And robin redbreasts carol in the trees, When the grass grows very green on lower ground, And opening buds embalm the buxom breeze, When orchards murmur with the half-blind bees, Freed till th' uncellared hives again be full, The time when old men smile and maidens please, Loose-zoned in summer dresses light and cool, And laughing urchins shirk the lessons of the school. Perchance it is the hour when dawn unveils The visage of the day; when o'er the bar The radiant morning rides with saffron sails, Streamers of light on each resplendent spar, Fraught with rich gifts. Now, sunk, each faded star. The Sun, the Sun, - the glorious Lord of Day! Behold, he comes! before his orbd car, Caparisoned with gold, in dazzling play, Impatient dance his steeds to pace the purple way. Or, is it in the cool and tranquil eve, When shadows lengthen and the shades increase, When in the west celestial wonders weave Gorgeous Nirvanas of absorbent peace, - Transparency's impenetrable fleece, Clouds of all colors floating every wise, On which the Sun looks up before he cease, As some old man a moment ere he dies Beholds with bliss serene the beauties of the skies.