The Poetry Corner

Dick an Me.

By John Hartley

Two old fogies, - Dick an me, - Old, an grey as grey can be. A'a,-but monny a jolly spree We have had; - An tha ne'er went back o' me; - Bonny lad! All thi life, sin puppy days We've been chums: - tha knows mi ways; - An noa matter what fowk says, On we jog. 'Spite what tricks dame Fortun plays, - Tha'rt my dog. Th' world wod seem a dreary spot, - All mi joys wod goa to pot; - Looansum be mi little cot, Withaat thee; A'a, tha knows awst freeat a lot If tha'd to dee. Once on a time we rammeld far O'er hills an dales, an rugged scar; Whear fowk, less ventersum, ne'er dar To set ther feet; An nowt wor thear awr peace to mar; - Oh, it wor sweet! But nah, old chap, thi limbs are stiff; - Tha connot run an climb - but if Tha wags thi tail, - why, that's eniff To cheer me yet; An th' fun we've had o'er plain an cliff, Awst ne'er forget. If aw, like Burns, could sing thi praise; Could touch the strings to tune sich lays - Tha'd be enshrined for endless days I' deathless song; But Fate has will'd it otherways. Yet, love is strong. Blest be that heart 'at finds i' me What nubdy else could ivver see; - Summat to love. - Aye! even thee, Tha knows its true; We've shared booath wealth an poverty, An meean to do. When fowk wi kindly hearts aglow, Say, "Poor old fogies," they dooant know 'At all they own is far below Thy worth to me; An all the wealth at they could show Wod ne'er tempt thee, Time's creepin on, - we wait a chonce, When we shall quit life's mazy donee; But, please God! Tak us booath at once, Old Dick an me; When's time to quit, - why - that announce When best suits Thee.