The Poetry Corner

Translations. - The Fourteenth Psalm. (Luther's Song-Book.)

By George MacDonald

Although the fools say with their mouth: Great God, we magnify him; Their heart cares nothing for the truth, In action they deny him. Their being is corrupted quite; To God it is a horrid sight; Not one of them works goodness. From heaven God downward cast his eye Upon men's sons so many; He set himself to look and spy If he could find out any Who their own reason up had stirred Earnestly to obey God's word, After his will enquiring. Upon the right path there was none; From it they all were straying; Each followed fancies of his own, Them to ill deeds bewraying. Not one of them did good even once, Though many, fooled by arrogance, Thought God with them well pleased. How long by lies will they be led Who vain attempts redouble! They eat my people up as bread, And live upon their trouble! In God stands not their confidence; From ill they ask not his defence: They would themselves look after. Therefore their heart is never still But always full of fearing. Dwell with the good the Father will, Those who have ears for hearing. But ye despise the poor man's ways, And scorn at everything he says Concerning God his comfort. Who will to Israel, poor flock-- To Zion send salvation? God will take pity on his folk, And free his captive nation; That will he do through Christ his Son-- And then is Jacob's weeping done, And Isr'el filled with gladness. Amen.