The Poetry Corner

The Coorse Cratur.

By George MacDonald

The Lord gaed wi' a crood o' men Throu Jericho the bonny; 'Twas ill the Son o' Man to ken Mang sons o' men sae mony: The wee bit son o' man Zacchay To see the Maister seekit; He speilt a fig-tree, bauld an' shy, An' sae his shortness ekit. But as he thoucht to see his back, Roun turnt the haill face til 'im, Up luikit straucht, an' til 'im spak-- His hert gaed like to kill 'im. "Come doun, Zacchay; bestir yersel; This nicht I want a lodgin." Like a ripe aipple 'maist he fell, Nor needit ony nudgin. But up amang the unco guid There rase a murmurin won'er: "This is a deemis want o' heed, The man's a special sinner!" Up spak Zacchay, his hert ableeze: "Half mine, the puir, Lord, hae it; Gien oucht I've taen by ony lees, Fourfauld again I pay it!" Then Jesus said, "This is a man! His hoose I'm here to save it; He's are o' Abraham's ain clan, An' siclike has behavit! I cam the lost to seek an' win."-- Zacchay was are he wantit: To ony man that left his sin His grace he never scantit.