The Poetry Corner

The Carelesse Nurse Mayd.

By Thomas Hood

I sawe a Mayd sitte on a Bank, Beguiled by Wooer fayne and fond; And whiles His flatterynge Vowes She drank, Her Nurselynge slipt within a Pond! All Even Tide they Talkde and Kist, For She was Fayre and He was Kinde; The Sunne went down before She wist Another Sonne had sett behinde! With angrie Hands and frownynge Browe, That deemd Her owne the Urchine's Sinne, She pluckt Him out, but he was nowe Past being Whipt for fallynge in. She then beginnes to wayle the Ladde With Shrikes that Echo answered round - O foolish Mayd! to be soe sadde The Momente that her Care was drownd!