The Poetry Corner

Astrophel and Stella - Sonnet CIII

By Philip Sidney (Sir)

O happie Thames, that didst my Stella beare! I saw thee with full many a smiling line Vpon thy cheerefull face, Ioyes liuery weare, While those faire planets on thy streames did shine. The boate for ioy could not to daunce forbear, While wanton winds, with beauties so diuine Ravisht, staid not, till in her golden haire They did themselues (O sweetest prison) twine. And faine those ols youth there would their stay Haue made, but forst by Nature still to flie, First did with puffing kisse those Lockes display: She, so disheuld blusht: from window I With sight thereof cride out, O faire disgrace, Let Honor selfe to thee grant highest place.