The Poetry Corner


By Paul Cameron Brown

Is there anything prettier than that - to stare into your manifold spaces toward the hook & vine of cathedral leaps, the vaults & crypts as go-betweens of an earthy worship, the supine female form? By quiet pools, thrush in the thicket with red berry behind its eye, miniature sun proceeding by the branch to undress the bark with leaves as passionate culprits kissing dark. Clasped hands upward lies the sky my masterpiece angel, I bite lush meadows, tread spongy brooks, endear daring small of back, crevice taste nape and neck, a beatific pilgrim nearing a fleshy way-station, first charting his compass, fathoming a probe to collect armfuls of starlight & shade, hair, eye, lip like fragrant sea-grape - pine & cedar bough in love-lorn resin smile.