The Poetry Corner


By Paul Cameron Brown

A green flotilla, verdant armada stone hand encased in an arm of ocean off blue-grotto bay. Something avuncular where land meets sea - underdog, whipped cur, adult "son" posturing to the elder, pontificating man. Melaque after dark or was it Aguascalientes'? Monterrey at sunset prior to "the" pop festival or Morelia, on eve of feasts to that native patriot'? Vera Cruz, 1915, at the height of American occupation with Pershing tailing the hirsute Pancho Villa in Sinaloa outdated rock & gunboat diplomacy - no longer exotic fare plate of frivoles, fried banana Mahi-Mahi. On the palette, dreams are fickle, subject to "drunk and disorderly resisting arrest," outmoded and fuzzy with age. Policeman of the Olmec intellect, you dance late on feather boas this Mariachis of the soul with glittering purse and yellow, travelling nectar Tequila.