The Poetry Corner

Naiad Trance

By Paul Cameron Brown

The leaves on their trumpet flames Richter scale inside pulse stems - into the gorge, la gorge throat and crevice of the canyon arroyo. Walking the slit into rheumatism earth the twilight pain of Paleozoic ice, Jurassic Age whence rupture sculpted rock River precipice the afternoon dangling like shadow beside taiga sun lost to dark & rain toward the water now, ever, and chemical rushing sound. Chameleon, I would swear this journey was that, worse, sorceress on my emotions; I left pathways contoured with Merlin rock & trees like Babbitt refugees from the Nahanni, fearful Dogrib aboriginals swarming my imagination their scalp-locks loaded for bear. Arabesque boulder, lavender curls of winter-wind swept moss and berets of tiny, dead soldiers. The moisture between you and clearing. Hushed forest an envelope edge of moisture patterns, more leaves in reindeer formation asserting themselves in beckoning sleighs and trance of veined, elfin hand skirting cracks & fissure gloom.