The Poetry Corner


By Paul Cameron Brown

Image throttled in the subconscious, romantic throwback - the mind on a voyage round land's end to eclipse pyramidal fires set as beacons along rock strewn shores - her skeletal inhabitants on ice flows wrapped in bearskins with dirks between their teeth slapping one another to keep warm. Then, alpine ranges carrying the plight of the Andes in their mouth; a dull, white sail propped against ship's bow with a noise like an anvil coming loose in the brain. More frightening, sailors mutiny on a diet of bread as sallow maggots march in a quarter horse sized trot across the floorboards. Such men in the bellows of one's mind break out rubber dinghies in quickening escape thru the maw of an Arctic sea. Expiry. Dry rot. Sunken astrolobe and an armada of feelings drifting alone.