The Poetry Corner

Gerard Manley Hopkins


As kingfishers catch fire
At the Wedding March
Binsey Poplars felled 1879
Caged Skylark
Carrion Comfort
Cheery Beggar
Duns Scotus's Oxford
God's Grandeur
Harry Ploughman
Heaven - Haven A nun takes the veil
Henry Purcell
Hope holds to Christ
Hurrahing in Harvest
I Wake and feel
In honour of St. Alphonsus Rodriguez Laybrother of the Society of Jesus
In the Valley of the Elwy
Justus quidem tu es, Domine, si disputem tecum: verum-tamen justa loquar ad te: Quare via impiorum prospera- tur? &c.
Morning Midday and Evening Sacrifice
My own heart
No worst
On the Portrait of Two Beautiful Young People A Brother and Sister
Patience, hard thing!
Penmaen Pool
Pied Beauty
Spelt from Sibyl's Leaves
Spring and Fall: to a young child
St. Winefred's Well
That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire and of the comfort of the Resurrection
The Blessed Virgin compared to the Air we Breathe
The Bugler's First Communion
The Candle Indoors
The Habit of Perfection
The Handsome Heart: at a Gracious Answer
The Lantern out of Doors
The Leaden Echo and the Golden Echo (Maidens' song from St. Winefred's Well)
The Loss of the Eurydice Foundered March 24. 1878
The May Magnificat
The Sea and the Skylark
The shepherd's brow
The Silver Jubilee: To James First Bishop of Shrewsbury on the 25th Year of his Episcopate July 28. 1876
The Soldier
The Starlight Night
The Windhover: To Christ our Lord
The Woodlark
The Wreck Of The Deutschland
To his Watch
To R. B.
To seem the stranger
To what serves Mortal Beauty?
Tom's Garland; upon the Unemployed
What shall I do