The Poetry Corner

Not Married Yet!

By George Pope Morris

I'm single yet--I'm single yet! And years have flown since I came out! In vain I sigh--in vain I fret-- Ye gods! what are the men about? I vow I'm twenty!--O ye powers! A spinster's lot is hard to bear-- On earth alone to pass her hours, And afterward lead apes--DOWN THERE! No offer yet--no offer yet! I'm puzzled quite to make it out: For every beau my cap I set-- What, what, what ARE the men about? They don't propose--they WON'T propose, For fear, perhaps, I'd not say, "Yes!" Just let them try--for Heaven knows I'm tired of single-blessedness. Not married yet--not married yet-- The deuce is in the men, I fear! I'm like a--something to be let, And to be LET ALONE--that's clear. They say, "She's pretty--but no chink-- And love without it runs in debt!" It agitates my nerves to think That I have had no offer yet.