The Poetry Corner

One Against The World

By William Schwenck Gilbert

It's my opinion - though I own In thinking so I'm quite alone - In some respects I'm but a fright. YOU like my features, I suppose? I'M disappointed with my nose: Some rave about it - perhaps they're right. My figure just sets off a fit; But when they say it's exquisite (And they DO say so), that's too strong. I hope I'm not what people call Opinionated!After all, I'm but a goose, and may be wrong! When charms enthral There's some excuse For measures strong; And after all I'm but a goose, And may be wrong! My teeth are very neat, no doubt; But after all they MAY fall out: I think they will - some think they won't. My hands are small, as you may see, But not as small as they might be, At least, I think so - others don't. But there, a girl may preach and prate From morning six to evening eight, And never stop to dine, When all the world, although misled, Is quite agreed on any head - And it is quite agreed on mine! All said and done, It's little I Against a throng. I'm only one, And possibly I may be wrong!