The Poetry Corner


By William F. Kirk

At Vaterloo dar ban a scrap Gude many year ago. Napolyun, he ban brave old chap And boss of whole French show. And Maester Vellington, he say, "Ay skol mak gude defence, And make dis Bonypart and Ney To look lak saxty cents." Dey start to fight on Sunday morn; And preacher say to Nap: "Now, yust so sure sum yu ban born, Yu're going to fall in trap. Ef yu got any vork to du, Yust chuse some oder day." But Nap say, "To the voods vith yu! Mak dis bar bugle play!" Ven Maester Vellington vake op, He see a gude big hill, Vith plenty soldier men on top, - Ay bet he got gude chill. "Yerusalem!" he tal his men, "Dese French ban purty t'ick. Ay tenk by qvarter after ten Dey skol feel gude and sick." Den Yen'ral Blucher com along, And loading op his gun; And dis mak tengs look purty strong For Maester Vellington. Two heads ban more sum von, yu see; And Vellington, he say, "Yust keep yure Yerman gang vith me, And ve skol vinning day." Den all his English soldiers scrap Vith guns so big sum trees; And Yermans fight vith lager tap And planty Brickstein cheese. And so, betveen the two, dey chase Dese Frenchmen to tall pines; And old Napolyun hide his face, And yumping back to mines. Napolyun, he feels purty bum; And after vile he say, "Ef Maester Grouchy only com, Ve could have von to-day." But Grouchy ban asleep at svitch, So vat could Frenchman du? Dis har ban all the history vich Ay know 'bout Vaterloo.