The Poetry Corner

Lucy Gray

By William F. Kirk

Ay s'pose yu know 'bout Lucy Gray Who used to play on moor, And having qvite gude time all day Beside her fader's door. Dis Maester Vordsvorth write it down, Gude many years ago, How Lucy start to valk to town In gude big drifts of snow. "Lucy," her fader say, "yust tak Dis lantern from the shelf." Say Lucy, "Ay have kick to mak; Vy don't yu go yureself?" But Lucy's dad ant stand no talk, And say, "Yu have to go!" So Lucy Gray tak little valk To town in dis har snow. Miss Lucy ant come back dat night, And ant come back next day; And den her parents get gude fright. "Our kid ban lost!" dey say. Dey look for tracks vich Lucy mak, And find some tracks dat go Up to a bridge on little lake, And den ban lost in snow. And so dey tenk Miss Gray ban lost, And feeling purty bum. The funeral saxty dollars cost, And all the neighbors com. But Lucy ant ban lost at all. She met a travelling man. He ban a bird. His name ban Hall, And off for town dey ran. And Maester Hall and Lucy Gray Ban married in St. Yo, And dey ban keeping house to-day In Kansas City, Mo.