The Poetry Corner

The War-Makers

By William Arthur Dunkerley (John Oxenham)

Who are the Makers of Wars? The Kings of the earth. And who are these Kings of the earth? Only men--not always even men of worth, But claiming rule by right of birth. And Wisdom?--does that come by birth? Nay then--too often the reverse. Wise father oft has son perverse; Solomon's son was Israel's curse. Why suffer things to reason so averse? It always has been so, And only now does knowledge grow To that high point where all men know-- Who would be free must strike the blow. And how long will man suffer so? Until his soul of Freedom sings, And, strengthened by his sufferings, He breaks the worn-out leading-strings, And calls to stricter reckonings Those costliest things--unworthy Kings. Not all are worthless.Some, with sense of duty, Strive to invest their lives with grace and beauty. To such--high honour!But the rest--self-seekers, Pride-puffed--out with them!--useless mischief-makers! The time is past when any man or nation Will meekly bear unrighteous domination. The time is come when every burden-bearer Must, in the fixing of his load, be sharer.