The Poetry Corner

Our Hearts For You

By William Arthur Dunkerley (John Oxenham)

By the grace of God and the courage Of the peoples far and wide, By the toil and sweat of those who lived, And the blood of those who died, We have won the fight, we have saved the Right, For the Lord was on our side. We have come through the valley of shadows, We have won to the light again, We have smitten to earth the evil thing, And our sons have proved them men. But not alone by our might have we won, For the Lord fought in our van. When the night was at its darkest, And never a light could we see,-- When earth seemed like to be enslaved In a monstrous tyranny;-- Then the flaming sword of our Over-Lord Struck home for liberty. All the words in the world cannot tell you What brims in our hearts for you; For the lives you gave our lives to save We offer our hearts to you; We can never repay, we can only pray,-- God fulfil our hearts for you!