The Poetry Corner

My Own Canadian Girl.

By W. M. MacKeracher

The demoiselles of sunny France Have gaiety and grace; Britannia's maids a tender glance, A sweet and gentle face; Columbia's virgins bring to knee Full many a duke and earl; But there is none can equal thee, My own Canadian girl. Thy hair is finer than the floss That tufts the ears of corn; Its tresses have a silken gloss, A glory like the morn; I prize the rich, luxuriant mass, And each endearing curl A special grace and beauty has, My own Canadian girl. Thy brow is like the silver moon That sails in summer skies, The mirror of a mind immune From care, serene and wise, Thy nose is sculptured ivory; Thine ears are lobes of pearl; Thy lips are corals from the sea, My own Canadian girl. Thine eyes are limpid pools of light, The windows of thy soul; The stars are not so clear and bright That shine around the pole. The crimson banners of thy cheeks To sun and wind unfurl; Thy tongue makes music when it speaks, My own Canadian girl. God keep thee fair and bright and good As in thy morning hour, And make thy gracious womanhood A still unfolding flow'r. And stay thy thoughts from trifles vain, Thy feet from folly's whirl, And guard thy life from every stain, My own Canadian girl!