The Poetry Corner

Invocation To Summer.

By W. M. MacKeracher

Come, Summer, come, nor in the south delay; We do thee honor with a longer day; We prize thee more, we better know thy worth; We hold thee dearer in the truer north: Come, Summer, come. Come, Summer, come, and in the early dawn Find sparkling dewdrops on the fragrant lawn; Hush all before thy majesty at noon, And hallow the long evening hours; come soon, Come, Summer, come. Come, Summer, come, make meadow grasses long; Make all the groves exuberant with song, The pasture corners canopy with shades, And thickly roof the silent forest glades: Come, Summer, come. Come, Summer, come, and with thy magic breath Make consummation of the death of death; Complete the work of thy sweet sister, Spring; Life more abundantly give everything: Come, Summer, come.