The Poetry Corner

Constantinople - Retour En Songe

By Victoria Mary Sackville-West

After a dream-dim voyage We came with sails all set Towards the city of the sea, And it was wonderful to me To find her reigning yet. Oh beauty that my eyes and heart Had feasted on before! The evening mosques were brushed with gold, The water lapped a lazy fold Upon that lovely shore; The gardens of her terraced hills Rose up above the port, And little houses half concealed The presence of a light revealed, And here my journey's end was sealed, And I reached the home I sought. Those windows I had opened wide To welcome in the sun! Those stairs that only happy feet Had measured with their running beat! That well-remembered winding street! Twelve months that were as one! Should others with their sordid cares And troubles enter here? Love hung about the rooms like smoke, And peace descended as a cloak, Should I allow the vulgar folk To desecrate that year? I laid the fuse with steady hand; We sailed into the night, From deck I watched the flames arise Remorseless as my tearless eyes That, with the waves and reddened skies, Flung back the angry light.