The Poetry Corner

Constantinople - Leblebidji*

By Victoria Mary Sackville-West

I know so well the busy cries That echo through the quarter Till daylight into evening dies And stars shine in the water, So dear they have become to me, Leblebidji! leblebidji! On peaceful English country nights Their rapid gay succession And all the sea-reflected lights Will pass from my possession, But never from my memory, Leblebidji! leblebidji! Past English evening scents and sounds, Past English church-bells ringing, The Turkish watchman on his rounds, The Turkish pedlar singing Through narrow streets above the sea "Leblebidji! leblebidji," Will surely pierce a ghostly way, The music underlying, And in the shades of falling day As in the distance dying, A little call will come to me, "Leblebidji!" ... * Little white beans