The Poetry Corner

The Seaman's Song.

By Victor-Marie Hugo

("Adieu, patrie.") [Bk. V. ix., Aug. 1, 1852.] Farewell the strand, The sails expand Above! Farewell the land We love! Farewell, old home where apples swing! Farewell, gay song-birds on the wing! Farewell, riff-raff Of Customs' clerks who laugh And shout: "Farewell!" We'll quaff One bout To thee, young lass, with kisses sweet! Farewell, my dear - the ship flies fleet! The fog shuts out the last fond peep, As 'neath the prow the cast drops weep. Farewell, old home, young lass, the bird! The whistling wind alone is heard: Farewell! Farewell!