The Poetry Corner

The Watchman.

By Thomas Moore

A TRIO. WATCHMAN. Past twelve o'clock--past twelve. Good night, good night, my dearest-- How fast the moments fly! 'Tis time to part, thou hearest That hateful watchman's cry. WATCHMAN. Past one o'clock--past one. Yet stay a moment longer-- Alas! why is it so, The wish to stay grows stronger, The more 'tis time to go? WATCHMAN. Past two o'clock--past two. Now wrap thy cloak about thee-- The hours must sure go wrong, For when they're past without thee, They're, oh, ten times as long. WATCHMAN. Past three o'clock--past three. Again that dreadful warning! Had ever time such flight? And see the sky, 'tis morning-- So now, indeed, good night. WATCHMAN. Past three o'clock--past three. Goodnight, good night.