The Poetry Corner

His Dancing Days

By Theodosia Garrison

Never did I find me mate for charmin' an' delightin', Never one that had me bate for courtin' an' for fightin';-- (A white moon at the crossroads then, and Denny with the fiddle; The parish round admirin', when I danced down the middle.) Up the earth and down again, me like you'd not discover; Arrah! for the times before me dancin' days were over! Never was a moon so low it didn't find me courtin', Never blade I couldn't show a wilder way of sportin'. (Is it at the fair I'd be, the gentry'd troop to talk with me; Leapin' with delight was she,--the girl I'd choose to walk with me.) 'Twas I could win the pick of them from any lad or lover; Arrah! for the times before me dancin' days were over! What's come to all the lads to-day,--these mournful ways they're keepin', Grudgin' any hour to play and wastin' nights in sleepin'. (Readin' be the chimney-place,--that dacent in their habits, You'd sooner get a fight or song be callin' upon rabbits.) Faith, I'd change the lot for one rejoicin', rantin' rover, The like of me, myself, before me dancin' days were over.