The Poetry Corner

Astrophel and Stella - Sonnet LXXVIII

By Philip Sidney (Sir)

O how the pleasant ayres of true loue be Infected by those vapours which arise From out that noysome gulfe, which gaping lies Betweene the iawes of hellish Ielousie! A monster, others harme, selfe-miserie, Beauties plague, Vertues scourge, succour of lies; Who his owne ioy to his owne hurt applies, And onely cherish doth with iniurie: Who since he hath, by Natures speciall grace, So piercing pawes as spoyle when they embrace; So nimble feet as stirre still, though on thornes; So many eyes, ay seeking their owne woe; So ample eares as neuer good newes know: Is it not euill that such a deuil wants hornes?