The Poetry Corner

Astrophel and Stella - Sonnet LII

By Philip Sidney (Sir)

A strife is growne between Vertue and Loue, While each pretends that Stella must be his: Her eyes, her lips, her all, saith Loue, do this, Since they do weare his badge, most firmly proue. But Virtue thus that title doth disproue, That Stella (O dear name!) that Stella is That vertuous soule, sure heire of heau'nly blisse. Not this faire outside, which our heart doth moue. And therefore, though her beautie and her grace Be Loues indeed, in Stellas selfe he may By no pretence claime any manner place. Well, Loue, since this demurre our sute doth stay, Let Vertue haue that Stellaes selfe, yet thus, That Vertue but that body graunt to vs.