The Poetry Corner

The Gingham Dream Utterance

By Paul Cameron Brown

As I watch the clouds assemble, steam-ship fashion, with funnels to alert passersby, I realize the Romanovs tore silk & riches from every bazaar leaving the bright spot of this evening studded with emerald marks. A dot in the ocean is a spark upon which minnows play, their silver bellies upturned to imitate the moon's white shawl. I am wanting in the delights of the reef narrowly hauled from rambunctious depths, the tiniest splashes of green, yellow, blue darting in an upturned fish's tail. An octopus rock commands squadrons of fingerlings while the eisel fish decorates a steeper, coral garden. Jet black sand crowns the lagoon volcanic ages' past the innocence of this spurting palm while mounds of pitch dark ants deposit slivers of rich eggs. After a fashion, onyx enamours pearl and pearl ivory as cays and atolls are swept to the wiggle of sun's dance on white sand. Eel-like islands are only pomegranates undigested by the moon. The amber breath of growing leaves is rich dark coffee stolen as in a smile. Almond drink is refreshing as the tips of cloven hooves to the dried earth. One might hesitate to watch firm nipples being given as broaches to a king but the sandpiper is a river barge commanding slow access to the next water. Near barely lit lamps alongside make-shift beds, a woman with olive skin prepares her toilet. Hatchet brown birds beseech her with brittle songs stolen from one wing. A cathedral bowl lies overturned in the warm twilight of lovers kneeling before the growing strength of day. Stone stars are flattened by the glare of sun and shell encrusted beaches bear a passing resemblance to chalices strung around an avuncular stretch of land. Perhaps in the hunted meadow near red spined caterpillars feeding near the larvae of the elephant hawkmoth, a cistern will open the earth and drink as a thirsty spoon.