The Poetry Corner

Leaves Of The Cecropia Tree

By Paul Cameron Brown

And what of privileged things mur & frankinscense or sandlewood- yes, teak, ambergris or skies of indigo blue -I cite these gifts, caravans offered as treasure Christopher Wren putting the domes of St. Paul in place like worn spectacles over a cherubic face. The last gargoyle pops in sight near Notre Dame such cathedrals are whitened sepulchre stones in "stately pleasure domes decreed". I see the Taj Mahal where Mahatma Gandhi might have trod. The utterance of a tulip in every parable Christ talked; rosebuds gleaming milk on the breath of lilacs their shields of lilies shone where Solomon walked. Song of Songs is none other than the poet's heart, water across stones. a warm sun working double shifts as a pitchfork stacking memories on a summer's day shooing aside leaves of the Cecropia tree; old Walt resting on a bench mumbling his prayers.