The Poetry Corner


By Paul Cameron Brown

1 I won't envy the heat this August. The fall (English say autumn) burrowing like urinating dogs thru trees, carrying winter woolies with sniff of air crisscrossing the lion's tamer's path I must trod when snow hits. 2 No, I won't envy searing blasts be they inclement weather or lost souls bargaining with rain. Acceptance . . . they say is the key and the word clangs like chimes into my biology, a grandfather clock to my own chamber music, a little something to cheer and serenade the buffeted spirit. 3 Think still thoughts in gloomy houses when petals cry burst in springtime. This is done in preparation for brighter moments ecstatically greeting November chill, devouring the last chestnut, cursing wheat-cakes over winter's fire. 4 A pleasant page crammed in the tumbler briefcase carrying my life's thimble, rocketing toward a brilliant destiny all 4 seasonal planets orchestrating mood; the patch quilt procupine quill emotion tapestry working overtime like a fish hook thru brain's inner eye, ocular hair shirt pulled on at warning's glance to trigger the way I boil eggs; devour slivers of wood on learning another day kicks ass from the horizontal pillow.