The Poetry Corner

What I Have Come For

By Oliver Wendell Holmes

I have come with my verses - I think I may claim It is not the first time I have tried on the same. They were puckered in rhyme, they were wrinkled in wit; But your hearts were so large that they made them a fit. I have come - not to tease you with more of my rhyme, But to feel as I did in the blessed old time; I want to hear him with the Brobdingnag laugh - We count him at least as three men and a half. I have come to meet judges so wise and so grand That I shake in my shoes while they're shaking my hand; And the prince among merchants who put back the crown When they tried to enthrone him the King of the Town. I have come to see George - Yes, I think there are four, If they all were like these I could wish there were more. I have come to see one whom we used to call "Jim," I want to see - oh, don't I want to see him? I have come to grow young - on my word I declare I have thought I detected a change in my hair! One hour with "The Boys" will restore it to brown - And a wrinkle or two I expect to rub down. Yes, that's what I've come for, as all of us come; When I meet the dear Boys I could wish I were dumb. You asked me, you know, but it's spoiling the fun; I have told what I came for; my ditty is done.