The Poetry Corner

The Sonnets Of Tommaso Campanella - The Year 1603.

By Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni

Gi sto mirando. The first heaven-wandering lights I see ascend Upon the seventh and ninth centenary, When in the Archer's realm three years shall be Added, this aeon and our age to end. Thou too, Mercurius, like a scribe dost lend Thine aid to promulgate that dread decree, Stored in the archives of eternity, And signed and sealed by powers no prayers can bend. O'er Europe's full meridian on thy morn In the tenth house thy court I see thee hold: The Sun with thee consents in Capricorn. God grant that I may keep this mortal breath Until I too that glorious day behold Which shall at last confound the sons of death!