The Poetry Corner

The Sonnets Of Tommaso Campanella - The Brood Of Ignorance.

By Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni

Io nacqui a debellar. To quell three Titan evils I was made,-- Tyranny, Sophistry, Hypocrisy; Whence I perceive with what wise harmony Themis on me Love, Power, and Wisdom laid. These are the basements firm whereon is stayed, Supreme and strong, our new philosophy; The antidotes against that trinal lie Wherewith the burdened world groaning is weighed. Famine, war, pestilence, fraud, envy, pride, Injustice, idleness, lust, fury, fear, Beneath these three great plagues securely hide. Grounded on blind self-love, the offspring dear Of Ignorance, they flourish and abide:-- Wherefore to root up Ignorance I'm here!