The Poetry Corner

Amour 18

By Michael Drayton

Some, when in ryme they of their Loues doe tell, With flames and lightning their exordiums paynt: Some inuocate the Gods, some spirits of Hell, And heauen, and earth doe with their woes acquaint. Elizia is too hie a seate for mee: I wyll not come in Stixe or Phlegiton; The Muses nice, the Furies cruell be, I lyke not Limbo, nor blacke Acheron, Spightful Erinnis frights mee with her lookes, My manhood dares not with foule Ate mell: I quake to looke on Hecats charming bookes, I styll feare bugbeares in Apollos cell. I passe not for Minerua nor Astra. But euer call vpon diuine Idea.