The Poetry Corner

A Sonnet In Dialogue.

By Henry Austin Dobson

FRANK (on the Lawn). Come to the Terrace, May,--the sun is low. MAY (in the House). Thanks, I prefer my Browning here instead. FRANK. There are two peaches by the strawberry bed. MAY. They will be riper if we let them grow. FRANK. Then the Park-aloe is in bloom, you know. MAY. Also, her Majesty Queen Anne is dead. FRANK. But surely, May, your pony must be fed. MAY. And was, and is. I fed him hours ago. 'Tis useless, Frank, you see I shall not stir. FRANK. Still, I had something you would like to hear. MAY. No doubt some new frivolity of men. FRANK. Nay,--'tis a thing the gentler sex deplores Chiefly, I think.... MAY (coming to the window). What is this secret, then? FRANK (mysteriously). There are no eyes more beautiful than yours!