The Poetry Corner

Grounds for Divorce.

By George Pope Morris

He. What can a man do when a woman's perverse, And determined to have her own way? She. At the altar you took me for better or worse: Am I worse than you took me for--say, Silly elf?-- Am I worse than you took me for, say? He. For an angel I took you in beauty and worth-- The PRIEST a mere woman has given! She. A MAN would prefer a true woman on earth, To all the bright angels in heaven-- Silly elf!-- To all the bright angels in heaven! He. You are ever ready my feelings to hurt At the veriest trifle, of course. She. Forgetting a button to sew on your shirt You deem a good ground for divorce-- Silly elf!-- You deem a good ground for divorce! He. Well, marriage a lottery is, and a blank Some men surely draw all their lives. She. Such fellows as you, sir, themselves have to thank; Good husbands make always good wives-- Silly elf!-- GOOD HUSBANDS MAKE ALWAYS GOOD WIVES!