The Poetry Corner

The Hereditary Prince Of Weimar, On His Proceeding To Paris.

By Friedrich Schiller

(SUNG IN A CIRCLE OF FRIENDS.) With one last bumper let us hail The wanderer beloved, Who takes his leave of this still vale Wherein in youth he roved. From loving arms, from native home, He tears himself away, To yonder city proud to roam, That makes whole lands its prey. Dissension flies, all tempests end, And chained is strife abhorred; We in the crater may descend From whence the lava poured. A gracious fate conduct thee through Life's wild and mazy track! A bosom nature gave thee true, A bosom true bring back! Thou'lt visit lands that war's wild train Had crushed with careless heed; Now smiling peace salutes the plain, And strews the golden seed. The hoary Father Rhine thou'lt greet, Who thy forefather [58] blest Will think of, whilst his waters fleet In ocean's bed to rest. Do homage to the hero's manes, And offer to the Rhine, The German frontier who maintains, His own-created wine, So that thy country's soul thy guide May be, when thou hast crossed On the frail bark to yonder side, Where German faith is lost!