The Poetry Corner

Sir William Gomm - Sonnets

By Algernon Charles Swinburne

I. At threescore years and five aroused anew To rule in India, forth a soldier went On whose bright-fronted youth fierce war had spent Its iron stress of storm, till glory grew Full as the red sun waned on Waterloo. Landing, he met the word from England sent Which bade him yield up rule: and he, content, Resigned it, as a mightier warriors due; And wrote as one rejoicing to record That from the first his royal heart was lord Of its own pride or pain; that thought was none Therein save this, that in her perilous strait England, whose womb brings forth her sons so great, Should choose to serve her first her mightiest son. II. Glory beyond all flight of warlike fame Go with the warriors memory who preferred To praise of men whereby mens hearts are stirred, And acclamation of his own proud name With blare of trumpet-blasts and sound and flame Of pageant honour, and the titular word That only wins men worship of the herd, His countrys sovereign good: who overcame Pride, wrath, and hope of all high chance on earth, For this lands love that gave his great heart birth. O nursling of the sea-winds and the sea, Immortal England, goddess ocean-born, What shall thy children fear, what strengths not scorn, While children of such mould are born to thee?