The Poetry Corner

A Midsummer Holiday:- V. A Sea-Mark

By Algernon Charles Swinburne

Rains have left the sea-banks ill to climb: Waveward sinks the loosening seaboards floor: Half the sliding cliffs are mire and slime. Earth, a fruit rain-rotted to the core, Drops dissolving down in flakes, that pour Dense as gouts from eaves grown foul with grime. One sole rock which years that scathe not score Stands a sea-mark in the tides of time. Time were even as even the rainiest clime, Life were even as even this lapsing shore, Might not aught outlive their trustless prime: Vainly fear would wail or hope implore, Vainly grief revile or love adore Seasons clothed in sunshine, rain, or rime Now for me one comfort held in store Stands a sea-mark in the tides of time. Once, by fates default or chances crime, Each apart, our burdens each we bore; Heard, in monotones like bells that chime, Chime the sounds of sorrows, float and soar Joys full carols, near or far before; Heard not yet across the alternate rhyme Times tongue tell what sign set fast of yore Stands a sea-mark in the tides of time. Friend, the sign we knew not heretofore Towers in sight here present and sublime. Faith in faith established evermore Stands a sea-mark in the tides of time.